Individual NPI Number in Box 24J For Medicare Claims

When charge coverage claims to Medicare, it power probably get a bit of tough. Medicare has many guidelines which aren't required by industrial coverage corporations. Since NPI numbers have been required on all claims in 2008 there was some confusion. All providers are required to have a mortal NPI amount and a couple of are additionally required to have a bunch NPI amount. Then they should be entered inside the applicable bins on the CMS 1500 declare type.

In most instances it's necessary to have the rendering provider's particular mortal NPI in field 24J when submitting CMS 1500 varieties. However, there are a number of instances when field 24J must be left clean to be able to stop denial of the declare. Make positive you file your claims befittingly supported Medicare's guidelines.


Most Medicare carriers require that field 24J be left clean if the charge provider is a mortal provider. In that case, the provider's particular mortal NPI, or sort I NPI can be entered in each field 24J and in field 33a. If this NPI is similar, Medicare requires that the NPI is NOT entered in 24J notwithstandin that 24J is left clean.

I actually have no idea why they do that, notwithstandin it's the rule. So if you're submitting paper claims to Medicare for a mortal provider who payments underneath simply a mortal NPI, or sort I NPI, and Medicare has been denying your claims, which may be why. If the provider will get paid underneath a bunch NPI then you definately would put the mortal NPI of the rendering provider in field 24J.

Copyright 2010 - Michele Redmond - Solutions Medical Billing Inc

Individual NPI Number in Box 24J For Medicare Claims

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